We run deep. As creative individuals we may not always be as grounded as we like. Our imaginations can take us away from uncomfortable realities. We are the greatest of escape artists. Shut the studio door and the world will just go away. Or will it?
Great minds will tend to over think, over analyze and gets stuck in our own miserable thoughts. Old habits are hard to break.
As we grew from childhood, our imaginary world was put in the back burner and reality came in with a bang. I believe that most artists try to retain that childlike quality. As with
Anything, balance is the key. Acceptance and balance.
If your scales of balance feel a bit off kilter perhaps there are things weighing you down.
A simple visualization of balancing your scale might help. Imagine each problem in your life as one of the weights on the scale. One by one, remove your weighted problems from your scale. It may seem like a silly exercise, but your subconscious mind does not always know the difference. Small steps in the right direction will begin to release you.
Unleashing inner demons can help you become the artist. Becoming starts with letting go. Letting go starts with a thought followed by an action.
Dante and Vergil in hell
Eugène Ferdinand Victor Delacroix
You may wonder how an art therapy session is different from the average art class. "In most art therapy sessions, the focus is on your inner experience—your feelings, perceptions, and imagination. While art therapy may involve learning skills or art techniques, the emphasis is generally first on developing and expressing images that come from inside the person, rather than those he or she sees in the outside world," explains Cathy Maldiochi in The Art Therapy Sourcebook . "And while some traditional art classes may ask you to paint or draw from your imagination, in art therapy, your inner world of images, feelings, thoughts, and ideas are always of primary importance to the experience."
You may not have to sign yourself up for a class, but experimenting through your art might help. Try to create a piece of work using emotion. See where it takes you.
Warning: Please understand that I am only an artist. I have no formal training in psychology. Do not go jumping off any cliffs just because I told you to.
Great information and advice!! Thank you!!
ReplyDeleteYou continue to inspire me :))